Catchup - By Cian Kenshin The MindHacker
Catchup. So I've been a little delinquent with posting because we didn't really have much internet access in comrie, and we were way too busy in the lake district. And too wet.
I'll start back in Comrie. The first day there we started with a bunch of geocaching in the area. The Comrie croft had actually hidden a bunch of their own so we just did it while we waited for our....uh..."tent" to be ready. Just checking now and I don't seem to have any pictures of it. It was more of a teepee with a very small stove in it.
Simon then picked us up and we started the real adventure. We ended up doing a lot more geocaching, and he showed us a bunch of historic sites, including standing stones.
At one point we were looking around a nuclear bunker and found a building that had a big red shiny button....i pushed it but nothing happened because I didn't have the key :-( There was some interesting writing on the walls, and some prison cells lined with what once was electric windows.
After a few days of wandering it started to rain. That's when we broke out talisman...we played it a total of 12 hours or so over the next two days. We even managed to break the game by causing an infinite loop. For a board game that's pretty impressive.
Then goodbyes and the train to Ambleside.