Sep 22Liked by Rev. Cian Kenshin

What a perfect timing. Just set big new boundaries for a vampire... ⚡️

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Love hearing that, thanks! It's more important than most of us believe...we feel like "all are equal" but then just get dragged down if we're not discerning....

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I think that you are not spreading love by identifying some people as vampires. Putting such tought in peoples mind is not ok. You have played with my daughter's tought and she saw us as bad energies although all she had from us was love, help,shelter, money etc... We could not recognize her after her spiritual learnings. She died from suicide at 29. A beatiful intellectual teacher. I saw in her journals that she spoke with you and your girl at the time. I don't think you are helping somebody. Instead I think you are creating confusions in their mind and that is not ok. You have a lot of work to do on yourself. Please ask for forgivness for all the bad you did until this point.

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Dear Lyn,

I'm deeply sorry for your loss. The pain of losing a child is unimaginable, and my heart goes out to you in your grief.

While Bianca and I only met briefly on two occasions, it's clear she was a remarkable person who touched many lives, including yours. I appreciate you sharing your perspective, as it reminds us all of the profound impact our words and actions can have on others, even in passing encounters.

Grief can lead us to seek understanding in many places. If you feel it would be helpful, I'd be open to a respectful conversation about your experiences and insights as Bianca's mother. Your journey and your voice matter.

Wishing you peace and healing,


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Oct 4Liked by Rev. Cian Kenshin


I could relate to what Bianca was doing just before her passing in your article which I had to inform you. I'm grateful that you take in consideration your words and actions. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings but I had to make you aware of your actions. May God lead you to a life full of love so you can deliver this to all people. Ain't that a beautiful purpose in life. Love is the only thing that matter here on hearth and beyond the veil. For me, this is closure on this topic and I will be trying to heal, find happiness and peace again because love I still have for her.



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Beautiful article. I absolutely love it because I've been spending more time playing in the world of energy the more "Present" I become. I'm definitely encouraged to restart my movement practices after reading this. I have had a few of these giant vampires in my life and I'm aware of them, their and their habits in relation to how they feed especially the conversations they try to have but i say no sorry i dont really want to talk about that because its negative and im very mindful about what i contribute my energies to. As of 2 days ago after about 9 years I was able to sit with a vampire, look it right in the eyes & teach it about why it was in Crisis in great details based on my "observation of its behavior

patterns" etc because I've known them for years... shockingly there was no resistance or defense as I showed them, i also reminded it about its divinity and it looked at me in shock and just silence as they started to fight back tears hard to because we were in public. I was fully "Present" focused the entire time. I'm learning "Presence" is more powerful than I realized.

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What a wonderful experience! Sounds like you were able to hold a divine presence that allowed truth to be seen.

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