Stormy Conditions Arising - A Poem By The MindHacker
Stormy Conditions Arising. "This weekend I watched as my relaxed state of mind was interrupted with certain events. These events left a light, but tangible color to all the experiences that followed. As I tried to escape from those conditions, I realized that in order to want to escape, I had already failed.
Stormy Conditions Arising. I was identified with the stormy conditions, hence wanting to escape. So I sat back, and noted the conditions that gave arising to the storm. I watched the storm happen, and saw how it tilted the subjective experience of completely unrelated events. Then, no escape was necessary." - Cian
The conditions of Mind Colored by Feeling Like Clouds in the sky
Ever watching and noting Sometimes bright and sunny Others, dark and stormy
Do the clouds affect the sky? Does the sky come and go? Hidden, but always there
Realization arises from watching Clouds arise from conditions And eventually pass away
Try to grab a cloud And it will ever be elusive Caught chasing dreams
Sunny or dark conditions Do not concern the sky Only the bodies on the ground